
Announcing our Young Investigator Award Winner 2023: Dr Joshua Brown

In the ever-evolving realm of neuroscience, young researchers are the torchbearers of innovation and progress. Recognizing the importance of nurturing their talents, the Brainbox Initiative has been on a mission since 2017 to promote and reward groundbreaking research conducted by exceptional early-career neuroscientists in the field of non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS). One of the most prestigious accolades in this field is the Young Investigator Award, and this year, it gives us immense pleasure to announce Dr. Joshua Brown from Harvard Medical School as the deserving recipient.

Dr. Joshua C. Brown, MD, PhD, epitomizes the excellence that the Brainbox Initiative seeks to champion. A distinguished neuroscientist with dual training in psychiatry and neurology, Dr. Brown serves as the Director of the Brain Stimulation Mechanisms Laboratory and holds key positions at McLean Hospital of Harvard Medical School, including Director of Research and Medical Director of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS).

Dr. Brown's research is at the forefront of scientific exploration, focusing on elucidating the synaptic-level mechanisms of TMS. His work not only contributes to our understanding of this cutting-edge technology but also holds the promise of enhancing its clinical effectiveness across various domains of brain medicine. His dedication and contributions to the field make him a standout choice for the Young Investigator Award.

The Brainbox Initiative Conference is a flagship event in the field of non-invasive brain stimulation, and it provides a platform for researchers, clinicians, and experts to exchange ideas, share discoveries, and advance the frontiers of neuroscience. This year, the conference is set to return as a hybrid event, blending in-person and virtual participation, and will be hosted at the prestigious Wellcome Collection in London on September 21-22.

Additionally, attendees will have the unique opportunity to delve deeper into the world of Magnetoencephalography (MEG) through a Satellite MEG workshop hosted by Dr. Etienne Labyt on September 23. The conference promises to be a hub of knowledge exchange and collaboration, fostering a sense of community among neuroscientists from around the world.

Dr. Joshua Brown will be attending this year's Brainbox Initiative Conference in London to accept the Young Investigator Award and discuss her award-winning research. It is a remarkable chance for attendees to engage with a leading mind in the field and gain insights into the future of non-invasive brain stimulation.

For those interested in attending the conference and being a part of this exciting event, more information can be found on the Brainbox Initiative website. Registration details are also available for those eager to join the gathering of brilliant minds, all dedicated to unraveling the mysteries of the human brain.

In the realm of neuroscience, innovation and progress are driven by the passionate pursuit of knowledge and the dedication of talented young researchers. The Brainbox Initiative's Young Investigator Award is a beacon of recognition for these rising stars, and Dr. Joshua Brown's exceptional work exemplifies the caliber of talent this award seeks to celebrate.

As we eagerly await the Brainbox Initiative Conference 2023, we look forward to witnessing the convergence of brilliant minds at this hybrid event. It promises to be a momentous occasion where the latest advancements in non-invasive brain stimulation are unveiled and where the future of neuroscience is shaped. Join us in celebrating excellence in neuroscience, and be a part of this transformative journey towards a deeper understanding of the human brain.